Try-A-Trade® Take Out - Machining


The Activity: Students in Skilled Trade Centres will use the materials and instructions provided by Skills Canada – Nova Scotia to build their own coat hook. This activity highlights the machining industry, and allows participating students to fine-tune their skills that are required to be successful within the field.

Time required to complete this activity: approximately two-three hours.

*PREREQUISITES: to register for this activity you must either be a Tech-Ed or Skilled Trades instructor, or must have the support of one, as they must supervise the activity and ensure all participating student receive all safety training required. As well, students require a suitable space to work, drill press with vise, bench vise, tapping fluid/lubricating oil, 5/16” drill bit, 3/16” drill bit, 6” flat smooth file (2), 5/8” countersink, centre drill, ball peen hammer, tape measure, a fine tip black marker, and must be provided safety glasses.

SCNS will supply schools with all required consumable materials.

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To order your class a Try-A-Trade® Take-Out kit, fill out the form below!